Corrupted linux kernel headers (Solved)

I have occassionaly gotten annoyed by corrupted kernels message that prevented me to install anything on ubuntu using sudo apt-get install.

There are two solutions that led me to solve this problem.

1.) Check the grub file for any mistake

sudoedit etc/default/grub

Find any symbol mismatches or typing errors.

2.) Install all corrupt headers simultaneously.

sudo apt-get install linux-image-x.xx.x-x1-generic \

                                      linux-image-x.xx.x-x2-generic \


And that’s it! Everything should work fine now. 🙂


The Persistent Learner

When they chose the easy way
We were still yet burning
When they took the first steps
We were still yet learning

We go far, we are persistent
Know this and move forward
The summit is only steps ahead
Know what causes your troubles

The weak are the filter
Strong is the filtered tea
When they were sleeping sound
We were breaking our knees

People see the finished good
The process remains unknown
People see the consequences
The stories remain untold

We are stories written in pain
We are the shoulders strained
We are the ink that fills the pot
We are the pot, we are the pen

We are glories that shall be sung
By them who chose the easy way
We remain systems untouched
When they took the first steps

The believer and the belief
Both dissolve away and fade
The dead burnt or buried
Was only one breath away

None desire, troubles to take
None troubles the desire
The pain pottery took
To be hardened by the fire

And we become the potter
And we become the mold
Those who have yet to burn
We are the truth untold
